Ticket to Adventures

Travel blog from around the world, near and far.

gran canaria kokemuksia


Gran Canaria – kokemuksia, ihastuksia ja vihastuksia

Täysin uusi maailmankolkka tuli valloitettua, nimittäin Kanariansaaret ja erityisesti Gran Canaria ja Teneriffa. Uskomatonta, mutta totta. Aiemmin nimittäin ajattelin, että tämä massaturismin pilaama saariryhmä on niin vihoviimeinen paikka, jonne haluan matkustaa. Olin oikeassa ja väärässä samaan aikaan.

gran canaria kokemuksia
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amed bali indonesia


My 15 Unforgettable Travel Memories of 2018 – Highs and Lows

All I can say is wow! What a year it was. 2018 was such an active and incredible year for me. This year was all about adventure and exploring new countries. All together 9 weeks, 13 flights, 3 continents, 7 countries, 5 islands, 11 cities, countless villages. Thousands of photos. 33 blog posts. Feelings of all sorts. Happy smiles, crocodile tears, excitement, disappointments. I have encountered them all.

The memories I made and everything I got to discover in 2018 were truly amazing and I am so thankful to have gotten the opportunity to travel so much. Now looking back, maybe even a bit too much as there was too little down time at home. That said I would love to share with you my most unforgettable travel memories – highs and lows – of 2018.agadir beach morocco

Prettiest scenery: Bali’s volcano shooting ash at sunset

I will remember this scenery forever. Sweeping bays of Amed, black volcanic sand and the most beautiful sunsets with Bali’s active volcano Mount Agung in the background. No tv needed for entertainment when nature Continue reading


This is How it All Started

Let’s make a long story short. It was the late 1980’s and I was 10 years old. That is when this journey began. I travelled overseas with my family for the first time of my life. It was a beach holiday to the Canary Islands. There were so many things I had never experienced before: palm trees, hot sun, colourful birds, people talking a funny language I did not understand. And oh boy, I was so excited! After the holiday I told my mother that when I grow up I want to go back and work as a tour guide. Continue reading