Ticket to Adventures

Travel blog from around the world, near and far.

experiences sousse tunisia


25 Photos That Made Me Fall in Love with Tunisia

Tunisia is just so amazing! Tunisia is a diverse country that offers incredible adventures for all tastes. I travelled around Tunisia for two weeks and I was completely blow away by Tunisia’s beauty in all ways: sunshine, beach, turquoise waters, history, culture, architecture, food, friendly people. What more can you expect?Even though there are many things about Tunisia that I dislike (that is another story) I did fall in love with Tunisia. After seeing the following photos I am convinced that you will be inspired to visit Tunisia as well! There is so much eye candy in Tunisia, don’t you think?! Continue reading

experiences koh mak songkran


Celebrating Thai New Year & Songkran Water Festival in Koh Mak, Thailand

If you are in Thailand 13–15 April you should prepare yourself for Songkran, Thailand’s famous New Year celebrations. The Songkran Festival is a time of renewal and paying respect to Buddhism. The ritual of cleansing is to bring good luck and prosperity for the coming year.

Songkran also marks the end of the dry season (April being Thailand’s hottest month) and the beginning of the tropical rains. Songkran is the longest public holiday in Thailand, which gives local people an opportunity to get together with friends and family.Today Songkran is known for its water festival, which is celebrated by locals and visitors alike. In cities streets are closed for traffic, and used as Continue reading

experiences koh chang thailand


Exploring Koh Chang on a Day Trip Around the Island, Thailand

Koh Chang, the green elephant island in the far northeastern part of the Gulf of Thailand, is the third largest island in Thailand. As I did not want to rent a scooter and drive around the island myself I decided to book a day trip to see what the island has to offer.fotor_148215377276762Next morning at around 9 o’clock a songthaew taxi came to pick me up from the hotel and we headed towards the northern part of the island. At White Sand Beach we picked up Continue reading


Top 5 Inspiring Museums to Visit in Helsinki

Helsinki is full of interesting museums and now that it is the darkest time of year with short, grey and gloomy days I decided to go out there to explore the museum scene of Helsinki, the capital of Finland.

As I mentioned earlier, I have never been a big fan of museums and never in a million years thought I would get excited about museums but on my explorations I actually found some great gems and fantastic sources of inspiration. Did I find the inner artist or historian in me? Not really, but it did widen my horizons a bit more and I did enjoy a great deal!

 Hot Spot by Mona Hatoum. Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma.

Hot Spot by Mona Hatoum. Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma.

Oh and one great tip: some museums in Helsinki offer Continue reading

experiences koskinou rhodes greece


Charmed by Koskinou – the Prettiest Village in Rhodes, Greece

Colours. Colours. Colours. Traditional Greek houses decorated with bright colours, vibrant colours, vivid colours. This is what the charming village of Koskinou is famous for. Colours. Red. Blue. Yellow. Green. Brown. Pink. Turquoise.Fotor_147083377736882 Continue reading

midsummer seurasaari helsinki


Helsinki: Traditional Midsummer Celebrations at Seurasaari Island

For Finns, Midsummer at the end of June means celebration of the long white night, also called the nightless night. In Helsinki this means that the sun sets at 10:50 pm and rises already a couple of hours later at 3:55 am. In the northern part of Finland the sun does not set at all. The nightless night (yötön yö in Finnish) and the midnight sun (keskiyön aurinko in Finnish) of the Finnish midsummer make a great contrast to the darkness of the wintertime.Midsummer_helsinki_seurasaari_06Midsummer_helsinki_01The streets of Helsinki, the capital of Finland, fall fairly silent during the long Midsummer (Juhannus in Finnish) weekend when most locals head to the countryside to their summer houses by a lake or by the sea. However, there are plenty of events and festivals to enjoy under Helsinki’s midnight sun, too. Continue reading



10 Things to See and Do in Tallinn’s Hipster District of Kalamaja, Estonia

Kalamaja, a former fishermen’s district, today one of the trendiest areas in Tallinn, is most definitely the place where I want to hang out when visiting Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Here you can find local living, abandoned factories as well as off-beat cafes, restaurants, trendy boutiques and a lot more. My favourite things to see and do in Kalamaja are as follows, go and explore if you get a chance!Tallinn_TelliskiviLoomelinnak

1. Visit Balti Jaama Market

Only a few years back this modern market used to be a depressing bargain hunter’s paradise where you could shop like a Soviet in the old times. The newly restored modern Balti Jaama Market Continue reading


Midsummer Magic in Finland

Originally a celebration of the summer solstice, Midsummer (juhannus in Finnish) taking place at the end of June, is today the main national holiday in Finland. Midsummer is the celebration of the summer, light and the long white nights, also called the nightless nights, as the sun barely sets below the horizon.


Midsummer is often seen as the beginning of warm summer weather as many Finns start their summer holidays on Midsummer Eve. People leave offices and workplaces early on Thursday afternoon and flee to the countryside. Continue reading